CEO: Dr Carey Bunks Year Started: 2012
Senscraft’s mission is to help companies successfully extend their online local lead generation and retail businesses to mobile.
By developing an affordable, fully mature mobile marketing platform Senscraft ensures that companies of all shapes and sizes can reap the full benefits of their mobile sites.
The company’s mobile platform is designed to be highly maintainable and scalable, delivering mature digital capabilities. This includes built-in fine-grained analytics, A/B testing infrastructure, as well as a rich collection of user-generated content features, search-engine optimisation, and social media integration.
Supporting HTML5 and apps of all major mobile operating systems, Senscraft is already serving seven customers across Western and Eastern Europe and has so far delivered a total of 165 apps and mobile web services, which are driving an aggregate total of almost six million visits per month.
Judges’ comments:
The judges felt that in an incredibly short time Senscraft has demonstrated that it has a highly sustainable business with huge potential. Already cashflow positive and profitable since starting in the late summer of this year, the company has seven major customers in seven different countries all looking to take their versions of the Yellow Pages mobile. The online local lead generation and retail business customers are already realising multi-million euro revenue streams as a result of the apps and mobile web services Senscraft has delivered.