20. Universal Partners FX

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Founders: Oliver Carson and Dhaval Patel
Founded: 2017
Website: www.upfx.com

Appearing in the Startups 100 for the first time, and coming straight in at position 20, Universal Partners FX is a foreign exchange service with a difference.

Founded in 2017 by Oliver Carson and Dhaval Patel – experts with over 25 years experience in the industry – the business provides users with fast, same day payment options as well as layers of security to effectively manage risk.

While Universal Partners does offer the modern payment platforms and online 24/7 accounts that are common in the industry, their focus on people is what makes them stand out.

Universal Partners trains experts to work with clients so that they can reduce risk when buying or selling currency. The people-focused approach means that users have access to experienced professionals who can ensure that the right strategies are implemented at the right time, with experience both in the general currency market, but also in specific industries and sectors.

With the ability to service customers anywhere in the world, Universal Partners FX is currently focusing on the UK market, with likely plans taking them further afield.

What stood out to us is that this personalised approach works. To date, Universal Partners have transferred over £20b through their partners across 240 countries. With such an impressive track record already, it’s no wonder this startup has leapfrogged the competition and sits within our top 20 of 2020.

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