Jungle Creations’ channel Twisted to launch delivery-only restaurant

The “world first” concept will enable customers to order recipes from the popular Facebook page to their door within 30 minutes

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Jungle Creations, the digital media company founded by haysmacintyre 2017 Top Gun Jamie Bolding, has announced that its Facebook page Twisted is to open a delivery-only restaurant in what is thought to be a world first for a social channel.

Founded in March 2016, Twisted makes bird’s eye videos of innovative recipes such as its ‘Camembert Hedgehog Bread’ and ‘Sushi Burgers’. To date, it has amassed over 6.8 million followers on Facebook and more than a million on Instagram, while its achieved over 200 million global views a month.

It has collaborated with some major brands in the last year including Oreo, Knorr, Cadbury Bailey’s – its most successful sponsored campaign yet – and even launched a cookbook at the end of 2016, with a sequel set to be released at the end of this year.

Twisted London will be revealed in the next few weeks, with attendees of London Food tech Week getting the first taste in early November. Jungle Creations hopes to roll out the concept to other major cities across the UK and the US including Manchester, New York, and Los Angeles.

Jungle Creations is the company behind 17 popular Facebook pages including VT – the most viewed channel on the social media site in March 2017 – Food Envy, Four Nine, Nailed it, Bosh!, The Aardvark, Movie King, Level Fitness, Joystix, Howlers, and Rhythmic.

Bolding commented: “Twisted has been an incredible success since its launch just over a year ago. There’s still a huge appetite for the online recipe videos so we won’t be slowing down there but we really want to expand the Twisted brand to real life experiences.

“Twisted London is a natural extension of our offering and provides our followers with the best user experience imaginable. Watch the video, click order, and the meal arrives piping hot to your door within 30 minutes. We are extremely excited about this project and have built out a standalone experienced team to run the operation.”

Tom Ewer, head chef at Twisted London, commented: “I am really excited to be a part of this momentous venture. We have spent months tasting and developing different dishes with the Twisted social team, and have planned everything right down to the last detail; from how the menu travels to the presentation and packaging. I am very proud of the menu we have developed and I can’t wait for the people of London to taste our creations.”

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