Kashflow partners with The Princes Trust to support next generation of entrepreneurs

‘Virtuous circle’ for 2011 Young Gun Duane Jackson

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A former Young Gun who started his business with a loan from The Princes Trust has announced a new partnership with the charity to support the next generation.

Duane Jackson, who was a Young Gun in 2011, hopes to buoy the practical support and financial backing provided by the Trust with access to his cloud-based accounting software.

Kashflow will offer all businesses on The Prince’s Trust’s enterprise programme an extended period of free access to its tool, to underpin the financial administration of those companies from day one.

Of the top line revenues generated from those firms after that period, 35% will be donated back to The Prince’s Trust, to continue their work relieving youth unemployment.

The issue is one particularly close to Jackson’s heart. He said: “It’s shocking that there are more than a million young people out of work – but with a little encouragement and investment, we can turn Generation Y into Generation DIY. “

Jackson started Kashflow with seed funding from the charity in 2005. Martina Milburn, chief executive of The Prince’ Trust, added:

“With the right support, we believe it is possible to help more young people, like Duane, to set up successful businesses – creating jobs and giving our economy a much-needed boost.

“We’re delighted that Duane’s business KashFlow is now helping other Trust-supported entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground.”

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