28. GPS Locums Our experts We are a team of writers, experimenters and researchers providing you with the best advice with zero bias or partiality. Founders: Jonathan Brown, Ian Oxley and James BlackburnFounded: August 2012Website: www.gpslocums.co.ukGPS Locums made our list last year in recognition of the potential of its proposition, which matches NHS hospitals with locum (temporary) medical staff from junior to senior level, all vetted and 100% compliant. The business continues to do well in a congested market, with a current run rate of £2.2m; the founders claim this is down to GPS Locums’ core ethos of treating its doctors as individuals, rather than just another number in the market. With founders Jonathan Brown and James Blackburn’s extensive recruitment experience and Ian Oxley’s experience in finance, the trio knew that strong relationships would be an integral part of the business’ success.This growth becomes yet more impressive when you take on board the fact that GPS Locums has been entirely self-funded so far and is generating an extremely healthy profit. Now with Tier 1 contracts throughout the UK for the supply of locum doctors, GPS Locums’ founders have ambitious plans to double the firm’s growth over the next 12 months, increasing revenues to more than £4m and hiring several new staff in the process. Share this post facebook twitter linkedin