People’s Champion finalist 2018: Lingo Online Ltd

The live video language app connecting native speakers and learners has global intent. Has it got your support for People's Champion though?

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Start-up name: Lingo Online Ltd
Founders: James Hutchinson and Tony Deverill
Started in: 2018
Based in: Warrington
Business description: A platform connecting native speaker across the world with learners via live video calls.

Shortlisted categories:

Side Hustle of the Year

The Lingo Online Ltd story:

There’s no better way to learn a language than to be thrown in at the deep end, surrounded by native speakers.

But what happens when they all disappear again, such as when you return home following a year abroad?

That’s precisely what happened to James Hutchinson. Feeling bereft with nobody to practise with and losing the accent and colloquialisms almost as fast as he’d acquired them, persuaded him that this was a problem in need of a solution.

And Lingo Online was born. Making it possible to video call and chat via text, with match-ups based on language level and mutual interests, the app works on a freemium basis with features such as speech to text translation, call recording and group calling coming at a premium.

Why Lingo Online Ltd made our shortlist:

Still in the development stages, the business has been created in the hours after work. But with strong positive feedback it seems Hutchinson and Deverill are on the right track.

If all goes to plan and the monthly recurring revenue starts to come in, the business will be all set to talk profit in any language you choose.

Where to find out more about Lingo Online Ltd:


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