‘Fear of failure’ prevents people from realising their business dream

55% of entrepreneurs say that starting a new business is easier than people think but

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71% of British entrepreneurs say a fear of failure is what’s preventing other people from starting their own business, according to a report by YouGov conducted with Weebly.

The survey of 549 entrepreneurs based in Britain, revealed that – while 31% of business owners said launching a venture was ‘the scariest thing they ever did’ – 55% of entrepreneurs actually said that starting a new business is actually much easier than people think.

Yesterday it was revealed that 83% of female business owners would recommend starting an enterprise to other women, suggesting aspiring entrepreneurs need not be afraid.

When quizzed about what was the most intimidating aspect of ‘starting-up’, 25% cited building an online presence.

Dreaming of starting a business? Why not take the plunge and make it a reality by reading our start-up guides.

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