LinkedIn adds new values-based job search tool for purposeful employers

The new feature allows job seekers to search for vacancies at companies that align with their values and cultural preferences.

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Helena Young
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LinkedIn has unveiled a new values-based filter for online job searches, to help businesses meet growing demand amongst job seekers for purposeful work.

The changes mean that businesses can automatically showcase their core values, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), social impact, and environmental sustainability, when advertising jobs on LinkedIn.

Startups recently wrote about the increased focus on meaningful work post-COVID. Rising vacancy rates mean candidates have more opportunity to seek out job openings that align to their personal set of values.

With the update, LinkedIn has sent a clear signal to hiring managers – defining your value proposition will be crucial to sourcing talent in 2023 and beyond.

Employers embrace values-based recruiting

Values-based recruitment (VBR) is not a new idea – but it is on the up. The term refers to the strategy of hiring people who share similar beliefs to the business. This helps companies to find workers who are motivated and passionate about their jobs, as well as being qualified for the role.

Like many business trends, the switch was accelerated by COVID-19. With everyday life put on pause, many of us took time to contemplate what we want to do with our lives and careers.

Experts have already taken note of the benefits that principled employers can enjoy. When staff members feel motivated to achieve a personal, as well as professional, goal, this tends to bring a direct uplift to employee engagement.

Now, recruiters are beginning to take advantage. LinkedIn says it had observed a 154% increase in values-related terms on entry-level job posts between 2020 and 2022, as organisations trial new ways to lower their staff turnover rate.

How does the LinkedIn values-search tool work?

With its latest announcement, LinkedIn has unveiled a suite of tools designed to help principled job seekers find relevant opportunities.

LinkedIn reports seeing a 154% increase in values-related terms on entry-level job posts between 2020 and 2022.

Companies can now list the values they prioritise, such as supporting working parents, promoting diversity in hiring, and implementing carbon neutrality initiatives. Thanks to a new search filter, job seekers can then search for vacancies based on these specific criteria.

Since debuting the new features in October, LinkedIn has reported that more than 40,000 companies have incorporated value commitments – like mission statements and information on company culture – into their profiles.

Additionally, an “I’m Interested” button on company pages lets job seekers share their profiles with prospective employers, streamlining the process of identifying enthusiastic candidates.

How the ‘pivot to purpose’ will attract young talent

Gen Z employees, who are fast becoming changemakers in the world of modern work, are much more likely to look for meaningful job opportunities compared to older colleagues.

According to a separate LinkedIn survey, Millennials and Gen Z workers place the most importance on working for organisations that resonate with their culture and values. Not promoting this information is one of the most common mistakes in job adverts.

On average, 87% would switch roles if their new company’s values were more closely aligned to their own. The figure falls to 7-in-10 for Gen X.

For SMEs, remaining a desirable workplace for young job hunters is an important consideration for long-term growth. In just two years time, so-called ‘Zoomers’ will constitute 27% of the workforce. Other reasons to consider Gen Z in your recruitment strategy include:

  1. They’ll help bridge the skills gap. 

Gen Z will be the UK’s most qualified generation. Some 80% have higher education qualifications, compared to 15% of Boomers. This will no doubt prove key to plugging the skills gap in years to come.

  1. They’re attuned to new ways of working. 

Coming of working age post-COVID means Gen Z are well up-to-speed with hybrid working, with 75% saying they prefer it to full-time office working patterns.

  1. They are digital natives. 

This age group has grown up with the internet in all its glory. As global connectivity soars, Gen Z employees can help firms keep up with technological advances and bridge the growing digital skills gap.

Alongside values-based initiatives, another business offering that is popular with the younger generation is employee perks.

A poll by household money-saving tool revealed that 71% of Gen Z – those aged 27 and under – consider non-salary benefits to be important. In comparison, just 36% of 55-64 year olds said the same.

Greg Marsh, CEO and founder of, says concentrating on benefits packages is a smart decision for targeted support during the cost of living crisis.

Startups recently reported that redundancy rates are on the rise as staffing costs become increasingly unaffordable for SMEs.

“For startups, getting benefits right is basically a hiring hack,” Marsh attests. “It can be far cheaper to give benefits than just to ramp salaries – particularly if those benefits are thoughtfully designed from a tax perspective.”

More on this: Our guide to the top benefits and perks has over fifty ideas of desirable schemes and bonuses to introduce to your workforce.

Written by:
Helena Young
Helena is Deputy Editor at Startups. With a background in PR and marketing, Helena also manages the Startups 100 Index and is passionate about giving early-stage startups a platform to boost their brands. From interviewing Wetherspoon's boss Tim Martin to spotting data-led working from home trends, her insight has been featured by major trade publications including the ICAEW, and news outlets like the BBC, ITV News, Daily Express, and HuffPost UK.

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