10 crucial strategies to improve employee engagement

Today we're sharing ten ways top companies keep their employee engagement levels high and achieve the best standards of work.

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It can be extremely disheartening to start a business only to discover that the people you’ve recently employed are actually uninterested, disengaged and only in it for a paycheck. Whether it’s down to salaries failing to meet expectations, or an insufficient arsenal of employee perks and benefits to offer, it’s tougher than ever for businesses to retain talent.

And this is way more common than you think. Despite the general consensus of moving towards more positive and caring workforces, there is more work that needs to be done. A recent YouGov poll showed that only 17% of British workers love their job, meaning there’s considerable room for improvement.

Getting employees engaged with their role and your company can be tough to get right, but we’ve got you covered.

We’re going to explore the ins and outs of employee engagement, how you can improve it for your employees, and why you should get started today.

Key takeaways

  • Engaged employees are more productive and satisfied in their role, helping to boost your company outcomes and profits.
  • Finding the right work-life balance remains a priority for employees in 2025.
  • Managerial support is essential for employee engagement to be successful.

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is the measurement of how committed an employee is to their work as well as the goals and values of their company.

  • Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their companies. (Source)
  • 33% of employees feel lack of open communication has a negative impact on morale. (Source)
  • Engaged employees take 37% fewer sick days compared with disengaged employees. (Source)

It is the degree to which employees invest their energies (cognitive, emotional, and physical) towards the greater good of the company. This is without the forced incentives of scrutiny, micromanagement or monetary incentives.

It’s also the drive that helps them to feel passionate about their work, safe to take risks and initiative and have pride in their company as an extension of themselves. This in turn affords the company with more original ideas, innovation and success.

Why is it important?

Employee engagement should be a priority for employers for a variety of reasons. As you’ll see in this article, engaged employees are usually more productive, more loyal to the company, happier and have a better work-life balance.

When employees feel engaged and like they have a personal connection to their work, they are likely to feel more satisfied in their role, boosting company morale.

10 employee engagement strategies

We have found that employers that use these 10 employee engagement strategies tend to have the greatest success.

  1. Increasing employee autonomy
  2. Increasing employee opportunities
  3. Creating a clean, safe and appealing work environment
  4. Encouraging work-life balance
  5. Emphasising diversity and inclusion
  6. Modelling core values and mission
  7. Making sure your managers are engaged
  8. Improving communication
  9. Providing opportunities for skill development
  10. Recognising and rewarding contributions

Our research:

Overall, employers have found these strategies to be the most useful:

1. Increasing employee autonomy

For an employee to be fully engaged in the culture of a company and invested in its success, they have to feel as if they are an important cog in the wider machine.

An employee may define feeling valued by your company as having their opinions and ideas for the company seen, heard and acknowledged by the people above them.

Line managers should have the power to implement their ideas if they are good, while also noting and documenting their contributions to the company in the event of workplace reviews and potential promotions.

Without this, in whatever capacity – be it an overbearing manager telling them that their ideas aren’t important or no opportunities for growth no matter how much they contribute – employees can feel stuck and stagnated which leads to deflation, resentment and burnout.

A recent study by CIPD showed that unhappiness with senior management and leaders was a growing reason for people leaving their jobs (22%) (Source)

Making sure your staff have the autonomy to complete their roles without a “helicopter manager” therefore is key to keeping your staff happy and retaining them.

While autonomy is essential, managers also need to be effectively managing workflow to prevent burnout.

Burnout is becoming an increasing problem for employers to consider. In 2024 Mental Health UK released their first ever Burnout Report that showed a fifth of workers had hit “burning point” in the past year alone, requiring time off work.

Due to this, it’s important to avoid ‘That’s How We’ve Always Done It’ or THWADI, which tends to shut down new employee ideas before they even begin.

Roxanne Gilmore, Be Inspired Now Media, LLC states:

As a millennial, this drives me CRAZY! I see so many awesome ideas thrown out because senior level people want it done their way.


Autonomy also allows employees to create what they would deem to be meaningful work for the company.

If employees languish in the same jobs, doing the same tasks, they are likely to feel unfulfilled and become less invested in their work. But suppose an employee has the opportunity to create new goals for themselves or volunteer their time in a different role or project within the workplace on occasion. In that case, they may then feel more motivated and gain a new appreciation and excitement for their work.

There is an easy solution to encouraging more of this autonomy in the workplace, and it is simply to listen to your employees more.

Employees typically have a ton of knowledge, opinions and ideas that they are dying to share with people who can exact change for them. This could be from a particular way they’re working, and what makes them feel better in the workplace, to exponentially profitable and standout ideas for your company that will explode growth.

Express to your employees that they are heard in meaningful ways, and try to show them that they are valued by recognising them in front of others in terms of advancement and promotions (which leads us to our next strategy):

2. Increasing employee opportunities

Research showed that a third (33%) of those planning to quit their job in the past year were doing so for better benefits elsewhere. (Source)

No one wants to work at a company where it’s clear the managerial structure hasn’t shifted in the last 10 decades or so, where there hasn’t been any real movement or shake-ups, where benefits are at a minimum and the best positions trickle down via inheritance only.

The average employee is not prepared to stand for that anymore. Millennials and Gen-Z’ers in particular, are not as bound to the Boomer Generation’s ethos which was to get a good job, stay loyal forever, and work your way up the ranks.

Where it was a status symbol to stay loyal to a company in that way back then, newer generations are far less concerned about the peer pressure or stigma that job hopping once carried. Even if that wasn’t the case, it has simply become a survival method in these shaky times – job hopping in most cases proves beneficial.

Jobs have been severely understaffed due to the shakeup of the pandemic, so new employers value and bid higher for employees – while current employers often take their staff for granted.

“Job hopping is one of the easiest ways to gain a significant salary increase,” – Lauren Thomas, European economist. (Source)

3. Creating a clean, safe and appealing work environment

According to Zipdo stats, 68% of employees feel disengaged at work thanks to a poor office layout.

The research also found that:

  • 50% of employees said office design has a direct impact on their productivity.
  • 78% of employees feel the design of their office impacts their mental health at work.
  • Employees with control over their workspace are around 32% more productive.


What one employee finds appealing another may not of course.  In this instance, the very least includes adequate heating, safety and lighting. No employee wants to come out of their home every morning to an environment where they feel their health and safety isn’t being looked after – where they could potentially be injured, or get sick at every turn.

It’s also good practice to create an environment where things actually work, for example, good quality laptops, kitchen equipment and bathroom facilities. Gender-neutral and private bathrooms would be the ultimate gold standard for employee comfort in that area, as it is the most accepting of everyone.

Beyond the physical aspects of an appealing workplace, there are also the emotional ones. Naturally, a well-lit, colourful and vibrant workspace filled with happy people encourages more people to come in than a grey and dreary office. On top of this, you could consider having events like Christmas parties and lunchtime talks that facilitate a sense of belonging and community within the workplace.

These events should always be optional and not too forced or mandatory for the best effect.

Employees should also feel safe to speak their minds among their peers, higher-ups and in general when in the workplace without fear of repercussions or being ostracised, no matter who they are or their level at the company. A 360-feedback culture encourages this feeling, avoids an echo chamber of criticism always being funnelled down to and by the same people, and can ensure well-rounded and fair assessments.

4. Encouraging work-life balance

Nearly half of UK workers feel their employers do not have a plan in place to spot the signs of chronic stress and to prevent burnout. (Source)

Even if an employee has a passion for their work, it doesn’t make them immune to stress and burnout. This just shows that all employees need a good work-life balance in order to provide the most optimal experience for the company possible. This would involve proper rest periods without the expectation to “keep up” with or “stay connected” to the company – adequate holiday periods and leave, free from corporate interference.

Work-life balance has been shown to work extremely well in places where it has become a priority, ingrained in the culture of the entire country – and it would be wonderful if one day the UK could adopt this same vibe. Nordic countries consistently top rankings for the best work-life balance countries in the world, Slovakia is revered for its incredibly high maternity leave of three years, and European countries such as France, Germany and Spain would recoil at the thought of eating at their desks.

Over the past couple of years, big brands such as Netflix and Virgin Group among others, have announced “unlimited vacation” policies, which is a tremendous leap forward for employee engagement. Despite what you may first assume (that employees may be prone to abuse this policy for example), results have shown that when all the other aspects of an engaged workplace are there, abuses do not occur nearly as often as you might think. The level of trust a gesture like this creates with your employees encourages goodwill and reciprocity, showing employees that as long as they are responsible with their autonomy they will be rewarded.

The reciprocity principle is one of the basic laws of social psychology where in many social situations if someone does something for us, we then feel obligated to return the favour. (Source)

There is evidence to suggest that due to this unlimited vacation policy, employees work harder when they actually are in the office, as their means of reciprocity based on this principle.

Traditionally, employers encourage a 24/7 hustle culture and believe this will be optimal and productive for their company. In fact, due to the stress it causes as well as eventual resentment towards everything about the company, it becomes the exact opposite, increasing absences (and almost every study says so).

If you take care of your employees, they are likely to return it tenfold.

According to the research from the survey we conducted in-house, we found that:

53% of companies use increasing opportunities for growth as their #1 employee engagement strategy.

5. Emphasising diversity and inclusion

Every person is different, and the best companies are the ones that celebrate, champion and leverage those differences. Not only does it contribute to making your employees feel seen, it also provides more opportunities for your company to be known as an inclusive, welcoming space. This improves your chances of winning significant inclusion awards that could attract better talent who would want to work for you.

Diversity and inclusion go hand-in-hand because we are all individuals with different preferences and limitations which should be taken into consideration – you need both for the people in your workforce to thrive.

This can include physical things such as disabilities, to different religious beliefs that may sway someone’s decisions and the events they may want to go to, to differing personality types such as extroverts and introverts.

Forcing introverts to come to every event may be inclusive, but would not be supporting or accommodating their diversity! 

6. Modelling core values and mission

Leading by example is a fundamental principle when it comes to improving employee engagement.

Employees are more likely to feel connected to their work when they see their managers and other senior leaders embodying the core values and mission of the organisation. It’s not enough to simply articulate these values – they must be consistently demonstrated in everyday actions and decision-making.

When employees witness their leaders embracing company values, they are more likely to follow suit, creating a culture of alignment and shared purpose.

7. Making sure managers are engaged

82% of employees become managers without any formal training. (Source)

Managers play a pivotal role in shaping the employee experience.

An engaged manager sets the tone for their team, influencing how employees perceive their work and the organisation as a whole. When managers are enthusiastic, communicative and invested in their roles, it’s more likely that their team members will mirror these qualities. A disengaged manager can lead to quiet firing and a high talent attrition rate.

To ensure manager engagement, organisations should provide training and support, encourage open dialogue, and foster an environment where managers feel valued and connected to the company’s mission.

When it comes to promotions, employees should be able to access the training they require to make them an engaged manager. Don’t presume that just because they are good at their role, they will automatically know how to be a good manager.

8. Improving communication

Effective communication is the backbone of any engaged workforce.

It’s crucial to establish clear channels for sharing information, feedback, and ideas throughout the organisation. Regularly updating employees on company goals, performance metrics, and changes in direction can create a sense of transparency and inclusion.

Encouraging open dialogue and active listening further empowers employees to voice their concerns and contribute their insights. When communication flows freely and respectfully, employees are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their roles.

9. Providing opportunities for skill development

Investing in the growth and development of your employees is a powerful way to boost engagement.

Employees who see a pathway for advancement and skill enhancement are more likely to remain committed to their roles and the company. Offering training programmes, mentorship opportunities, and clear career paths can motivate employees to strive for excellence.

When employees feel that their personal and professional development aligns with the organisation’s goals, they are more likely to be engaged and dedicated.

10. Recognising and rewarding contributions

Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their hard work and contributions is a potent engagement strategy.

A simple ‘thank you’ or public recognition can go a long way in boosting morale and reinforcing positive behaviour. Additionally, implementing a fair and transparent rewards system, such as bonuses or promotions, can provide employees with tangible incentives to excel in their roles.

Recognising and rewarding contributions not only boosts engagement but also fosters a culture of appreciation and mutual respect within the workplace. It’s also important to note here, particularly as most businesses right now are battling the effects of inflation and the cost of living crisis, that rewarding contributions doesn’t always have to be financial. Hybrid or remote work is an exceptional perk that employees love, particularly if that is their preferred work style and it still makes sense for your company.

Here’s a list of 50 employee perks and benefits to increase engagement and retention.

The benefits of an engaged workforce

The most important benefit of an engaged workforce, the one everyone cares about most – is that it vastly increases profitability.

Companies with engaged employees typically enjoy 2.5 times higher revenue growth than companies with unengaged ones (Source).

It’s simple – when your employees are engaged, they care about your company and are more willing to contribute wholeheartedly to its growth.

You cannot build an empire on employees who are “quiet quitting” – a new term recently added to the Collins dictionary that can be defined as only doing what is expected of you by your job description, and nothing more.

Despite the lack of obligation to go above and beyond, it is often this passion that fuels companies, and without it, they can miss important opportunities. It can also swing into much more negative territory such as malicious compliance – that is, strictly following the orders of superiors, knowing they may have unintended or negative results.

Engagement increases productivity, creates more genuine interactions within the company and increases employee retention. As a result, the company has more time for actual productivity instead of distractions and chaos trying to subsidise staff every week, for example. These are just a few of the main benefits, but let’s dive deeper into these and more below.

Increasing productivity

While engagement doesn’t negate all stress from overworking (and this is where the other factors come in handy), engaged workers are generally much faster and more efficient in completing their work. Slow and unproductive workers will cost your company money, something you want to avoid.

Engaged workers are also far more likely to actually contribute ideas for the betterment of the company instead of being too stressed, tired or stifled to express them.

Engaged employees are 17% more productive than their peers on average. (Source)

Positive company interactions

It’s important to maintain transparency and communication among the workforce. Not only because it reduces misunderstandings, complications and stress in any workforce’s productivity pipeline, but it also creates stronger bonds and that sense of inclusion where no one feels left behind or out of the loop.

It also lends to our first engagement strategy (which we talk about more below), where positive company interactions can increase autonomy, and therefore innovation. If your employees have access to all departments and members of the company at their fingertips, as well as adequate knowledge of what’s going on in their company as a whole, they could have more space for new, innovative and collaborative ideas.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, this is possible. Numerous tools and applications exist in the form of social media and work-specific collaboration tools. Platforms like Slack and Trello for example for communication, as well as Monday and Clickup for project management software, now make it easier than ever to help your teams connect, build their own knowledge databases and build better working relationships.

Employee engagement directly impacts interpersonal relationships. If you're engaged you care and you're likely to be in a consistently positive mindset when it comes to your work and those you work with. You're more likely to help others, be less individualistic and ultimately work better as part of a team.

– James Adams, Lead Learning and Development Partner at MVF Global

Decreased turnover

Since the beginning of UK lockdowns fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, professionals have been loudly critiquing their jobs on TikTok. Many have quit their jobs in lieu of more flexible, hybrid or remote positions after discovering that it was possible. This trend has been dubbed the age of the “Great Resignation.”

The number of people quitting their job hit a peak in 2022, with 442,000 thousand UK workers quitting in Q2 alone. (Source)

Employees are in the driver’s seat for one of the first times in history, empowering employees to find the best for them – and leaving employers to actively convince employees that their company is the right fit for them. And this requires more than just lip service. Employers must show that they truly “walk the walk and talk the talk”, live out their company values and provide interesting and engaging benefits for their workers.

Employee engagement is accepted as an effective tool to support retention. This is not only because engaged employees choose to stay longer. Research by Gallup shows that engaged employees also help you find better candidates. 71% of employees use or have used referrals from an organisation's current employees to learn about job opportunities. If you get the right candidates through the door in the first place you can expect to see your turnover figures decrease.

– Andy Mulder, Head Of People at MVF Global

Increasing employee retention

Employees will stay longer and perform better in environments where they feel seen, heard and accepted.

When done correctly, an engaged workforce leads to decreased turnover as mentioned above and can save employers money and time, not having to consistently seek out, vet and onboard new employees. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) estimates the cost to replace a salaried employee is six to nine months of their salary, and the average staff turnover costs between £14,800 and £22,200 per employee. (Source)

Increasing levels of innovation

With employees feel safe, better ideas and suggestions come through the pipeline that benefit the company’s overall growth, goals and increased levels of innovation. Employees who are engaged will feel much happier about sharing their network and resources for the overall betterment of the company – whereas, in a company fraught with competitiveness, sneaky behaviour and credit-stealing, there would be much less of this crucial aspect.

Innovation is important in the fact that it prevents your company from becoming stagnant and helps you stay up to date with the times, or at best, become a leader in your industry who set the standard. It keeps you on the edge of forward-thinking which helps your company stay efficient and ever-growing.

Increasing employee engagement in your small business doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many ways you can get started that don’t necessarily involve promotions and raises that would still be instrumental in the happiness and productivity of your employees.

How to increase remote employee engagement

We asked 30 companies how they were going about increasing employee engagement both in the office and remotely using these five strategies, and the results were very interesting:

Increasing employee opportunities for growth: 53%
Encouraging work-life balance: 50%
Increasing employee autonomy: 43%
Emphasising diversity and inclusion: 17%
Maintaining a clean work environment: 3%

Within our own company, we have found these to be the most effective:

Weekly themes

To create a sense of unity and camaraderie, weekly themes have been beneficial. These can range from online holiday parties to simply organising a scheduled day of the week where everyone can get together to discuss objectives over video chat or messaging. This is a great way for people to have a space where they can address any concerns or grievances with the entire team, as well as celebrate any weekly successes. Plus, it keeps everyone in the loop so there is no sense of anyone feeling left out, or left without the crucial updates they may need.

Regular team interactions

Beyond online team meetings, it is great practice for employees to know that they can go to their other team members independently and confidentially if they need any help or guidance, but don’t want it broadcast to the entire team, via messaging (on a platform like Slack, for example).

1-1 catch-ups with managers

43% said having a supportive line manager at work makes a difference to them. (Source)

This highlights that manager engagement needs to be meaningful rather than micromanaging or criticising and when done correctly can have a huge impact on employees.

In a good company, it will never be you against your manager – it should be you and your manager working together for the betterment of the company. An example of this would be where every employee receives a weekly 1-1 with their manager to discuss short and long-term growth objectives.

Concluding thoughts

There are a wealth of benefits related to implementing or improving your employee engagement strategies and rates today.

Not only does an engagement policy increase the overall wellbeing of the company in terms of profit, productivity and employee attrition rates, but it also vastly reduces the likelihood of existing issues becoming more serious in the future. Preventative measures are always key here and contribute largely to the success of a company.

Written by:
Stephanie Lennox is the resident funding & finance expert at Startups: A successful startup founder in her own right, 2x bestselling author and business strategist, she covers everything from business grants and loans to venture capital and angel investing. With over 14 years of hands-on experience in the startup industry, Stephanie is passionate about how business owners can not only survive but thrive in the face of turbulent financial times and economic crises. With a background in media, publishing, finance and sales psychology, and an education at Oxford University, Stephanie has been featured on all things 'entrepreneur' in such prominent media outlets as The Bookseller, The Guardian, TimeOut, The Southbank Centre and ITV News, as well as several other national publications.

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