17. Traveleyes Our experts We are a team of writers, experimenters and researchers providing you with the best advice with zero bias or partiality. Founder: Amar LatifWebsite: www.traveleyes.co.uk “There’s no point feeling sorry for yourself. That just leads to a depressing road called ‘why me?’ street.” That’s Amar’s response to losing his sight as a teenager. Back in 2005, having headed up a finance division at BT, he decided the only way he would experience world travel to the full would be to set up his own company, which caters for blind travellers.Based in Yorkshire, the company organises trips with groups of eight blind and eight sighted travellers. Amar was also the recipient of the first Leonard Cheshire Disabled Entrepreneur of the Year award sponsored by Stelios, which gave the company a £50,000 prize fund. Share this post facebook twitter linkedin