100 UK businesses chosen to join London’s biggest start-up accelerator

Edible insect start-up Eat Grub and online floristry start-up Floom among MassChallenge's latest cohort for 2016...

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MassChallenge, the world’s “most-friendly” equity-free start-up accelerator and London’s largest, has revealed the 100 start-ups that have been selected to become part of its 2016 programme.

Of this cohort of 100 businesses, 42% have at least one female founder – a statistic which Mass Challenge says is a massive step up from industry averages and above most accelerators in the space. Notable female founders include Sahar Meghani of STEM children’s educational game company Trunkaroo, Lana Ellie of online floristry marketplace Floom, and Apprentice star Vana Kotsumidis’ app DatePlay.

Other start-ups in the cohort include Eat Grub; a specialist in edible insect snacks – including a protein bar made from cricket powder, Ajuve; an online dispute resolution service, and WELL+HAPPY; creator of “guilt-free” chocolate confectionery.

On the gender diversity of its latest cohort, MassChallenge’s CMO, Diane Perlman, commented:

“We’re very proud that our system allows that talent to rise to the top by removing bias and that we have a fantastic track record of supporting female entrepreneurs, one of the highest among accelerators globally, and we’re hoping attract even more talented women in the years to come, and to continue supporting them as they grow their businesses.”

The 100 businesses chosen for the UK cohort are as follows:

  • ACE Luxury Lifestyle Products
  • Acorn Aspirations
  • Add to Event
  • Agricision Ltd
  • AID:Tech
  • Ajuve
  • Amondo
  • aparito
  • Apolitical
  • Arqlite
  • Bento Lab
  • Big Couch
  • BioNet. Agriculture Ltd.
  • BMG Intepco
  • Bread Inc
  • Cambridge Oncometrix
  • Chrysalis Technologies
  • Clover Lewis Swimwear
  • clustermarket
  • Connect One Threads
  • Connido
  • CoVi Analytics
  • doublesix
  • DryGro
  • Eat Grub
  • Entocycle
  • Entomics
  • Floom Ltd
  • Fresh.Land
  • Hacker House
  • halaleat.com
  • History Bombs Ltd
  • Induo
  • iNovar EMEA Limited
  • iWazat
  • JustMilk
  • KG Protech
  • Koru Kids Ltd
  • LawyerFair
  • Little Riot
  • Livestock Wealth
  • Makercase
  • mama.codes
  • MARK Labs
  • MediSieve
  • Metadrift
  • Metix
  • MishiPay
  • Monizo
  • Motus Innovations
  • MPMsim Ltd.
  • MyMed
  • Naturebytes
  • Nest Funding Limited
  • Nimble Babies Limited
  • Oorja: Empowering Rural Communities
  • Oxford Heartbeat
  • PantryAce
  • Poppins App
  • Pouch
  • Powr of You
  • Prison Voicemail
  • Project Mudra
  • Pulp
  • Quirkbot AB
  • rais
  • Relationship 2.0, Inc.
  • Reroo Ltd
  • ResSpot
  • Satavia
  • Silent Secret Ltd
  • SmarterQueue
  • Storemates UK
  • Superb Smoothies
  • Tangi0
  • Tenoke
  • Teslasuit
  • The Herts Milk Bank
  • The Social Value Exchange
  • Trunkaroo
  • Ublend
  • Ubuntu Power
  • Up Learn
  • Vieni Global Ltd
  • Well + Happy
  • WeTrack
  • White Lab
  • Word Play Media Ltd.
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