Britons “much happier” shopping with small businesses than large companies

Study claims UK consumers prefer to purchase haircuts, restaurant meals, fresh food and tea and coffee from small independents

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The majority of British consumers feel “much happier and content” shopping with small businesses than with larger companies and corporates, according to a new study published today by Avery WePrint.

Surveying 2,000 British adults, the research found that 80% prefer to purchase products and services from small independents – compared to 53% for large businesses – and a third said they believe small business owners are more trustworthy than the CEO’s of big businesses.

The study also highlighted a number of products and services that consumers prefer to buy from small, independent businesses with haircuts ranked top, followed by restaurant meals, fresh produce, takeaway tea and coffee and gifts.

In addition, Britons prefer to purchase car repair services, books, snacks, jewellery and artwork from small firms.

Personal service, feeling valued and being able to deal with the same staff were cited as the biggest benefits to buying from small businesses whereas the big business customer service ‘fails’ were named as unpleasant staff, being ignored or forgotten about and receiving an impersonal service.

When asked how they’d describe a small business owner, the number one response from those surveyed was ‘hard working’, cited by almost 75% of people. In comparison, words such as ‘ambitious’, ‘greedy’ and ‘materialistic’ featured highest on the list of words to describe the CEO of a large company.

Avery WePrint marketing director, Fiona Mills, commented:“We commissioned the study to show just how much the UK’s small and independent businesses have to be proud of.

“We want to encourage these organisations to celebrate their status as a small business, it’s something very special. There’s no feeling quite like starting and growing your own business, so why not shout about it? The research shows just how much the British public likes the service they receive from small businesses.”

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