UK Business Climate Hub launches to help SMEs go green

The new initiative is designed to help small businesses to cut their energy bills and make steps towards sustainability.

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The UK government has launched the UK Business Climate hub to help Britain’s 5.5 million SMEs save on their business energy bills while reducing their emissions.

The hub, which launched today, includes a free carbon calculator and tools to help businesses measure, track and report on their emissions, as well as save money by using less energy.

It also offers advice on climate-related topics including sourcing products from green suppliers, reducing emissions from freight and logistics, and budget-friendly ways of installing solar panels and electric vehicle charging points.

What is the UK Business Climate Hub?

The new hub is aimed at supporting the UK’s SMES – research shows that 90% of SMEs are keen to tackle climate change, but find it difficult to know how or where to start to find the right solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. Studies also show 85% of consumers are more likely to buy from a business with a reputation for sustainability.

“We are pleased to have contributed to the new UK Business Climate Hub that will provide businesses with trusted tools and information to help them navigate the net zero transition,” says Martin McTague, national chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

“SMEs recognise their role in net zero, but many still find it challenging to access the relevant support and resources to play their part. This new official platform for advice and support will really help.

“In addition to helping small firms become more energy and resource efficient, the hub also has the opportunity to empower small firms to take ambitious steps towards net zero, ultimately ensuring that they also benefit from the economic opportunities created in a net zero economy.”

Benefits for small businesses

The hub aims to serve as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for businesses who have yet to start making operational changes in going green, as well as those SMEs looking to grow their existing efforts.

As well as helping small business owners measure and report on their emissions, the site provides advice and support on:

  • Switching employee modes of transport and paying less for company EVs;
  • Getting business grants, green loans and financing for a retrofit;
  • Getting an air source heat pump;
  • Generating green energy with a wind turbine and selling it back to the grid;
  • Reducing emissions from farming and land use;
  • Buying credible carbon offsets;
  • Getting low-carbon product labels and certifications;
  • Reducing waste and recycling.

“This hub will play a crucial role in enabling Britain’s businesses to take meaningful action against the climate change emergency,” says Laimonas Noreika, sustainability strategist and CEO of HeavyFinance.

“Far too many SMEs are keen to go green but lack the practical advice and financial support to make it happen. From office blocks to farmyards, company owners across all industries are in urgent need of guidance to cut carbon emissions and build a cleaner, greener business.

“This new scheme is a step in the right direction and will help business owners across the country to develop long term sustainable strategies that will assist the UK in its journey towards net zero.”

The government claims over 80,000 green jobs are currently being supported or are in the pipeline because of new government policies implemented since 2020, with that expected to increase to as many as nearly half a million by 2030.

Further reading:

Mid shot of Kirstie Pickering freelance journalist.
Kirstie Pickering - business journalist

Kirstie is a freelance journalist writing in the tech, startup and business spaces for publications including Sifted, TNW, UKTN, The Business Magazine and Maddyness UK. She also works closely with agencies such as CEW Communications to develop content for their startup and scaleup clients.

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