Entrepreneur organisations unite for Brexit small business taskforce

Government called on to continue to support labour market flexibility, reasonable taxes and business and export support

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A number of entrepreneurial organisations have joined together to create a small business taskforce; calling on the government to ensure UK business continues to thrive in a post-Brexit Britain.

Claiming to represent more than one million small businesses and self-employed individuals, the group of 13 organisations includes Enterprise Nation, IPSE, Global Entrepreneurship Week and the Centre for Entrepreneurs.

Recognising a number of key factors that enable small businesses to flourish in the UK, the taskforce has urged the government to commit to ensuring these factors remain in place once Britain exits the EU.

Primarily, the taskforce has highlighted the importance of a flexible labour market, with “clear and unequivocal reaffirmation of the long-term rights of EU citizens currently working in the UK”.

It has also called for no increases to National Insurance, and has asked that departments consult with small business representatives before introducing any further tax changes.

With many UK business support programmes currently backed by EU funds, the signatories have also called for a a review of available funding for business support and plans for how it is to be used, while it has encouraged the government to “experiment” with export support for small businesses and show progress on trade deals with countries such as the US, China, Australia and New Zealand.

Finally, the taskforce has urged the government to take the views of small businesses into account in trade deals and domestic policy.

In an open letter, the small business taskforce said: “As organisations representing small businesses of all shapes and sizes, reflecting the new world of work, from every region, we are committed to ensuring the UK retains its leading global entrepreneurship position.

“We welcome the opportunity to work closely with government to ensure the small business base of Britain can continue to prosper, delivering economic and social returns to our country.”

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