Young Gun Rajesh Agrawal announced as deputy mayor by Sadiq Khan

RationalFX founder has been tasked with securing London’s financial interests and job market as EU Brexit negotiations take place

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In the wake of the Brexit vote, mayor of London Sadiq Khan has announced the appointment of Young Gun Rajesh Agrawal as deputy mayor for business.

As part of his new role, Agrawal – who founded foreign exchange company RationalFX in 2005 which achieved revenue of more than £1.3bn last year – will be championing London’s financial interests, protecting jobs and maintaining growth in the midst of rising uncertainty while EU negotiations take place.

Khan has been vocal about his wish for the UK to remain in the single market and for London to be granted more powers in areas such as skills, infrastructure and planning.

Khan’s business adviser during his mayoral campaign, Agrawal is also the founder of international money transfer service Xendpay.

Agrawal commented: “This openness to talent and enterprise must not change as a result of the referendum. I share Khan’s belief that a thriving economy is critical to ensure that all Londoners can share in our great city’s future success.”

Khan added: “Having arrived in London equipped with the ambition to succeed, has created multi-million-pound businesses from scratch and knows first-hand the challenges that our business leaders face, and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

“I know that Agrawal is the best person for the job of protecting jobs and growth in London as we deal with the fallout of the referendum.”

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