29 businesses raised over £23m on Crowdcube in Q1 2017

10 start-ups raised more than £1m each on the crowdfunding platform in the first three months of 2017, including Cauli Rice and Cocoon

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29 businesses raised over £23m on Crowdcube in Q1, as the equity-based crowdfunding platform recorded a second consecutive record quarter.

Of all enterprises to receive investment, 10 start-ups topped £1m each, as the Q1 figures now means Crowdcube is on course to beat its 2016 investment figure of £80m.

Among some of start-ups to successfully seek investment on the site include food business Cauli Rice who closed a £1.4m round in March, and home security start-up Cocoon who bagged £2.46 the same month.

Launched in 2011 by Darren Westlake and Luke Lang, Startups-100 ranked Crowdcube has amassed a “crowd” of over 390,000 members, who have invested more than £235 million in 520 raises.

Luke Lang, co-founder of Crowdcube, said:

“This record start to 2017 shows how established growth-stage businesses, seasoned entrepreneurs and institutional investors trust Crowdcube with the big, more complex fundraises, while investors know we’re the place to find exciting, often VC-backed, investment opportunities.

“Despite posturing from some EU leaders, we’re confident Britain will retain its position as a financial services powerhouse because of its innovation and flexible regulatory regime.”

For our guide on Seedrs and Crowdcube click here.

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