Twitter for Business – Essential Guide

With its massive online community and advertising options, Twitter is a digital marketing jackpot for brands.

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Whether you’ve chosen to re-baptise it as ‘X’ or are loyal to Twitter’s original blue bird, establishing your presence on the platform is still important for your business.

The platform represents a potential digital marketing goldmine as it has 19.05 million users and robust online communities. According to X (Twitter), the platform is great for a smooth sales funnel, boasting 62% ad recall and a 13% boost in brand awareness. It’s not a question of if your business should be on Twitter, but how.

Setting up a Twitter business account is fairly straightforward, but if you want to stand out, you’ll need to follow these steps to get it right. A detailed Twitter business plan will help enhance business growth, attract more customers, and establish your business as an authoritative voice in your industry.

In this guide, we’ll highlight the benefits of Twitter for business, its challenges, how to use it effectively, advertising, and more. By the end, you should feel ready to build your brand on Twitter.

Twitter or X - what should you call it?

When you Google Twitter, X will show up at the top of the search results. If you’ve recently updated the Twitter app, you’ll notice an X has also replaced the original blue bird icon. Without doubt, Musk’s rebranding choice has thrown off a lot of people, including marketing experts.

A brand relies on being distinctive while remaining recognisable throughout its life cycle. Most importantly, a brand depends on consistency, so keep in mind that whatever brand building you conduct on Twitter or beyond, it should be cohesive and consistent. Regardless of what you now choose to call Twitter, Musk offers a case study of what not to do.

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What are the benefits of using Twitter for business?

As one of the most recognisable social media platforms, Twitter boasts plenty of benefits for businesses. Here are the main ones to consider:

✔️ Increase brand awareness: Twitter offers businesses an opportunity to reach large swathes of customers in just one post. Using 280 characters, you can quickly share information and authoritative content, or start a conversation with your target audience. In turn, your audience can then share it with their followers and quickly expand your organic reach.

✔️ Improve customer service: Twitter can act as a vital customer care and market research channel. Companies like Netflix have even set up a dedicated Twitter account that provides support, which gives its customers an accessible touch point with the company. This can create a sense of trust among your target audience and show you’re transparent and dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction.

✔️ Increase traffic to your website: as you bolster your brand identity on Twitter,, it’s likely that your customers will want to learn more on your website. Twitter lets you embed links into your Tweets as well as in your business’s bio, which makes it easy to land on your homepage. This presents an edge over Instagram, which only lets you embed post in your bio and not posts. The best part? More website traffic usually leads to more sales.

✔️ Enhance lead generation: Twitter’s algorithms make it easier for your target audience to find your content. Therefore, it’s more likely that as they’re scrolling through their Home timeline, they’ll find your company. In turn, you’re given higher quality leads who are more prepared to engage with your brand and make a purchase.

✔️ More sales: higher quality leads can lead to more sales. Therefore, the more you establish your presence on Twitter and fall into the good graces of its algorithm, the more likely it is you’ll see an uptick in your sales.

What are the challenges of using Twitter for business?

While there are some strong pros, Twitter does come with its challenges. As the host of one of the largest online communities, the amount of content and competition can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider before you dive into Twitter for business.

Getting noticed takes some work: about 500 million tweets are posted each day, which can make it difficult to stand out. Cutting through the noise to reach your target audience means you need to do your research. Ensure you post the right content and make use of the hashtags and visuals that reflect the preferences of your customers.

It can be time-consuming to manage: between competitor research, tracking trends, and refining your strategy based on your data, Twitter takes time – especially if you’re looking to bolster your organic reach.

It can be difficult to measure the results: Twitter is equipped with a campaign dashboard that lets you see how well your ads are performing. It tracks impressions, results, engagement rate, and cost per result. However, this can be quite a steep learning curve for those starting out – but it won’t be a challenge for marketing veterans.

How to use Twitter for business effectively

Using Twitter correctly doesn’t mean just dropping a bunch of random Tweets on your profile whenever you get the chance. With the right strategy and content pipeline, you should be able to become a recognised brand on Twitter. Here’s how:

  • Set clear goals: you need to establish your measures of success to understand if your approach to Twitter for business was correct. What is it that you want to achieve from Twitter for business? This could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. Once you’ve established this, use the Twitter campaign dashboard to track your performance and amend your plan accordingly.
  • Choose the right content: your content should be relevant to your target audience and should be interesting and engaging. Do market research to understand what your target audience might want from you and what sort of trends and content catch their attention. This will help you get higher returns on your ad campaigns.
  • Use hashtags: hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by more people as they’ll help place your posts in the right corners of the social media platform. However, keep in mind there is a balance – you don’t want to be flooding your viewers with hashtags in every other word of your Tweet. Aim for a maximum of three hashtags per post.
  • Engage with your audience: Twitter was designed to foster the growth of online communities, which suggests a two-way conversation between businesses and customers. Remember, customers want to interact with brands they believe care about their wants and needs, so replying to feedback and comments is always useful – particularly the negative reviews. Moreover, Twitter is also great for starting public conversations, which could position you in the right spot to get lots of press or, at least, new followers.
  • Run Twitter ads: Twitter ads can help you reach a wider audience and promote your products or services. The good thing is that you have a range of options for your Twitter ads: follower ads, promoted ads, Twitter Amplify, Twitter Takeover, branded hashtags, and more. It’s a good investment because statistics show that the average ROI for Twitter ad campaigns are 40% higher than the average ROI across all other media investments.

Advertising on Twitter

Twitter has a wealth of opportunities for advertising. Twitter Ads allow you to target your ads for specific demographics, interests, and behaviours. Knowing what each one is will help you strategise.

🔵 Twitter Follower Ads: known as Promoted Accounts, this type of Twitter ad allows you to promote your brand’s entire Twitter account. It targets users who don’t already follow your brand and can help grow your business’s following. These ads will also show in the Who to Follow suggestions and in search results, giving you great reach.

🔵 Promoted Tweets: these are posts that appear at the top of the search results and in the “Who to follow” section. Otherwise known as Twitter Promoted Ads, these look a lot like regular Tweets. The difference is that you (the advertiser) are paying to display the content to people who are not already following you on Twitter. The great part is that these ads can be liked, retweeted, and commented on, which offers great reach for your company. They can look like text ads, image ads, video ads, moments ads, carousel ads, or Twitter Live ads

🔵 Twitter Amplify: Twitter Amplify pairs your brand with premium publishers, making it easier to put you in front of the eyes of a wider audience. It enables your brand to align with culturally relevant videos that your target audience is already watching, so your video ad will play as pre-roll at the start of premium videos across the categories you select. This helps expand your organic reach.

Building your brand on Twitter

Building a brand is an exercise that takes time but, if done right, you can get great organic reach on the platform and become an established authority in your industry. Here are a couple of steps that can help:

  • Use a consistent voice and tone: your brand’s presence on Twitter should reflect its personality, so ensure your messaging is cohesive. Customers should instantly get a feel of what your brand is about, what your mission is, and what values drive your business. The more consistent you are with your messaging, the easier it’ll be for customers to remember who you are and come back to you when they need your product or service.
  • Share interesting and relevant content: your content should be something that your target audience will want to read and share. This is key to driving your organic reach and access to new customers. If you’re unsure of where to start, do some competitor research to see what draws eyes in your industry. To stand out, identify a gap that isn’t covered by your competitors.
  • Use visuals: although Twitter is known for its 280 character text limit, it’s still a very visual platform. Make use of videos, photos, and livestreams to diversify your content. Visuals tend to be more engaging, which is key when you’re trying to stand among a sea of content.
  • Run contests and giveaways: contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your brand.

How should you respond to customers on Twitter?

Whether the comments are positive or negative, responding to comments on Twitter is an important way to show you are taking note of their feedback. Importantly, it also shows that you’re more than just a business that’s out to get money and that you want to help out your clients. Regardless of whether they’re public tweets or DMs, here’s some tips on how to respond:

Be responsive: while you can’t be expected to respond within seconds to a new post or comment, you should aim to respond within 48 hours.. This shows you want to make sure customers have the a positive experience with your enterprise.

Be polite and helpful: when you read an inflammatory comment on your Twitter feed that targets you, prioritise being polite and helpful. Try to understand why the customer experienced the problem and reassure them you’re doing everything you can to solve it.

Resolve issues quickly: it’s best practice to solve any issues quickly. If you take too long, it’s likely they’ll turn to the competition and remember you as the company that took ages to address their complaint (which we definitely don’t want!).

Do you need to hire a social media manager?

You may find that this is an added workload you simply cannot take on, so it’s worth considering hiring a social media manager for these tasks.

A social media manager will ensure you have an active presence on the relevant platforms and increase brand awareness.

The benefit is that they should know what works well on social media, what will attract engagement, and what doesn’t. This can save you plenty of time in terms of designing content and doing competitor research. You’ll also have someone who knows how to translate performance metrics into better content, which will help boost your organic reach. However, the obvious drawback is that it chips away at your budget. Whether you choose to go for this option or not, you must ensure the person you hire for the role is someone who cares about your brand and understands what it’s all about.

If you’re not convinced about bringing someone directly onto your team or are looking for an ad hoc option, you can always opt for a digital marketing agency or a contractor. It really comes down to your budget and how hands-on you want to be with your social media management.

Twitter vs for business

Threads has definitely caused quite a shakeup in terms of challenging Musk’s Twitter, which has also caused many SMEs to question whether they should leap onto the new platform.

At first glance, Twitter is still an established platform with a larger audience, despite all the scandals. This makes it easier to reach more people with a Tweet. On the other hand, Threads allows to create longer form content, which beats Twitter’s 280 character limit.

While it’s still too early to tell whether Threads will dethrone Twitter, we know from speaking with startups founders that you shouldn’t put all of your social media eggs in one basket – you’re better off diversifying and having a presence on multiple platforms.


Twitter for business can be a powerful outlet to raise your business’s voice and to get access to new customers. It also pushes you to experiment with new forms of content due to the character limit while offering a generous range of advertising options. With its extensive user base, it would be a mistake for businesses to not have a presence on the platform.

Therefore, as long as you have a measured approach that truly understands what your target audience is after, you’ll be able to establish yourself as an authority on the app.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How much does it cost to use Twitter for business?
    There is no charge to set up a Twitter account for your business. Your only cost will be paying for the ads (if you choose to use them). This cost will vary depending on the auctions you enter and the billable actions you undertake.
  • Is it worth being on Twitter as a business?
    Absolutely! Despite the drama the platform has been linked to recently, it still is an established platform with millions of active users, which is a large market to tap into. It also has lots of different advertising formats to take advantage of.
  • Can you promote your business on Twitter?
    You can. You can make use of the different advertising models Twitter offers to make sure your business ends up on news feeds or Twitter search results.
Written by:
Fernanda is a Mexican-born Startups Writer. Specialising in the Marketing & Finding Customers pillar, she’s always on the lookout for how startups can leverage tools, software, and insights to help solidify their brand, retain clients, and find new areas for growth. Having grown up in Mexico City and Abu Dhabi, Fernanda is passionate about how businesses can adapt to new challenges in different economic environments to grow and find creative ways to engage with new and existing customers. With a background in journalism, politics, and international relations, Fernanda has written for a multitude of online magazines about topics ranging from Latin American politics to how businesses can retain staff during a recession. She is currently strengthening her journalistic muscle by studying for a part-time multimedia journalism degree from the National Council of Training for Journalists (NCTJ).

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