“I bought it because I saw it on TikTok”: how UGC is changing the social media marketing game

We spoke with UniTaskr co-Founder Joseph Black to understand the value and future of authentic marketing.

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Whether it’s your Instagram or TikTok feed, the range of content is definitely broad. It can go as far as airbrushed pictures of buttery croissants from your favourite independent bakery to a user generated content (UGC) video of someone trying out a new Dyson vacuum.

This means that social media has become a de facto marketplace where users can easily find information about something they’re looking to buy.

But social commerce is a completely different ball game to traditional advertising. Understanding what content makes for a home run is the key differentiator between successful and unsuccessful brands.

Rather than resorting to the professionalism of PhotoShop or the expense of macro-influencers, brands should look towards the goldmine that is UGC.

UGC is the way to go viral

Statistics undeniably point out that UGC is king when it comes to designing a viral social media strategy. 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions and 48% of marketing professionals believe that content created by customers can help humanise their marketing.

Joseph Black, co-founder of Unitaskr and Student Marketing Agency SHOUT, knows just how indispensable UGC is for brands. To help companies tap into the value of UGC, UniTaskr is launching a self-service UGC platform so brands and agencies can streamline working with nano-influencers and UGC creators.

The new platform wants to unlock the power of collaborative content and lower the barriers of entry to access UGC. In theory, those who use SHOUT’s UGC platform will have access to a continuous stream of organic content, custom video ads, demos testimonials, product reviews and more.

With ample experience in social media marketing, UniTaskr’s UGC platform is well positioned to help brands navigate the newest emerging trends. Since announcing the launch, Adidas, L’Occitaine and Monday.com are already on the waitlist.

“Authentic and relatable content created by nano-influencers holds a unique power to engage consumers on a profound level,” emphasises Black. “UniTaskr’s platform provides brands with easy access to invaluable resources, empowering them to build stronger brand credibility and authenticity.”

Authentic marketing is so valuable that ads featuring UGC garner 73% more positive comments on social networks than traditional ads. Moreover, brand engagement increases by 28% when consumers are exposed to a mixture of professional marketing content and UGC.

“Consumers are tired of being overly sold to,” warns Black. “Authenticity is the key to long term community building.”

If UGC is so great, why isn’t everyone doing it?

The short answer is that UGC is still riddled with barriers to entry which doesn’t make it the most sustainable marketing solution for everyone.

“Costs have been a concern, particularly for smaller businesses, as creating and managing UGC campaigns can demand significant resources,” explains Black. “Additionally, sourcing and curating relevant UGC can be time-consuming, and ensuring compliance with legal and copyright regulations can be challenging.”

UniTaskr’s UGC platform wants to even out the playing field so that UGC can become the norm in marketing campaigns.

“By providing a cost-effective solution, brands can access a diverse pool of creators without exceeding their budget,” shares Black. “The platform’s user-friendly interface streamlines content curation, saving valuable time and effort for marketers.”

Besides the time and cost components, UniTaskr’s UGC platform also preempts any possible intellectual property issues. “UniTaskr ensures compliance, offering a secure environment for brands to source and utilise UGC.”

Making UGC stand out in a sea of content

Although UGC might sound like a marketing panacea, getting it right isn’t as easy as it looks. Besides fostering trust, UGC should also nurture a sense of community for best results.

UniTaskr’s experience in the field has informed the design of the UGC platform so brands can finetune their marketing content. “Our platform actively encourages user participation, enabling brands to run engaging contests and challenges, resulting in organic reach and word-of-mouth promotion,” explains Black.

Importantly, those who jump onboard UniTaskr’s new service will be able to filter their creators by age, US or UK location, industry, and ethnicity to guarantee diversity in their content.

“At UniTaskr, we firmly believe that diversity is key to authentic content creation,” stresses Black. “By introducing filters for age and ethnicity, our platform aims to empower brands to source diverse UGC content that reflects the richness and variety of their audience.”

Diversity in user generated content has been a longstanding challenge in the industry and is in need of a status quo shakeup to reflect what audiences look like and what they want.

“Diverse UGC not only promotes a sense of belonging among different demographic groups, but also widens the brand’s appeal and helps reach new markets,” reveals Black.

What’s next for UGC?

UniTaskr’s new UGC self-service platform wants to change the way brands and agencies approach content. Importantly, it’s doing so at a time when exciting trends are reshaping the social media landscape.

One trend to look out for is the integration of real-time content creation and sharing. “Brands are leveraging UGC in live events and experiences, enabling audiences to participate and engage with the brand in the moment,” shares Black.

The immediacy of the content helps break down the filters that usually make marketing feel overly produced and inauthentic, making it easier for brands to nurture a sense of community and trust with users.

As the social media landscape becomes more populated with UGC, those that understand what ‘authentic’ actually looks and feels like to audiences will remain at the forefront.

Written by:
Fernanda is a Mexican-born Startups Writer. Specialising in the Marketing & Finding Customers pillar, she’s always on the lookout for how startups can leverage tools, software, and insights to help solidify their brand, retain clients, and find new areas for growth. Having grown up in Mexico City and Abu Dhabi, Fernanda is passionate about how businesses can adapt to new challenges in different economic environments to grow and find creative ways to engage with new and existing customers. With a background in journalism, politics, and international relations, Fernanda has written for a multitude of online magazines about topics ranging from Latin American politics to how businesses can retain staff during a recession. She is currently strengthening her journalistic muscle by studying for a part-time multimedia journalism degree from the National Council of Training for Journalists (NCTJ).

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