The Startups Team

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How to manage payroll administration as a small business

Printer on a yellow surface How to manage payroll administration as a small business

What is RTI? How to get your RTI submissions right

Calendar with the next pay day circled What is RTI? How to get your RTI submissions right

What’s it’s really like starting a business with no money

What’s it’s really like starting a business with no money

What is a payroll number? The complete guide for your business

Screen displaying a range of numbers What is a payroll number? The complete guide for your business

Full Payment Submission: what is FPS payroll?

Close up of a calendar with pay day circled in pen. Full Payment Submission: what is FPS payroll?

What is a P11D form? Everything you need to know

HMRC What is a P11D form? Everything you need to know

Employer Payment Summary: everything you need to know about EPS payroll

Woman's hands typing on a laptop on a white desk Employer Payment Summary: everything you need to know about EPS payroll

What is umbrella payroll? Everything you need to know

What is umbrella payroll? Everything you need to know

"Being a "soft" female founder supercharged my 8 figure startup."

Cheeky Panada Julie Chen with product "Being a "soft" female founder supercharged my 8 figure startup."

From macro-economics to manicures: how I started my business at uni

From macro-economics to manicures: how I started my business at uni

Ukrainian in London: how my business is saving lives back home

London skyline shard Ukrainian in London: how my business is saving lives back home

"I was sacked for asking for a flexible job - now I help other people find them"

Flexa "I was sacked for asking for a flexible job - now I help other people find them"

“I couldn’t find a credit card that worked for me…so I started my own.”

“I couldn’t find a credit card that worked for me…so I started my own.”

I've scaled and sold two businesses for £158M; you can do it too with a startup hub

Startup Business Hubs I've scaled and sold two businesses for £158M; you can do it too with a startup hub

Don't complain about your best talent leaving: here's what to do now

Business woman throwing work papers in the air. Stress from work Don't complain about your best talent leaving: here's what to do now

We struggled to find a care home for our Nan, so we started a business to help others.

Lottie_Co-Founders_Option 1 We struggled to find a care home for our Nan, so we started a business to help others.

My daughter is a CEO at just 11 years old

My daughter is a CEO at just 11 years old

Always-on culture: how to counter its business risks

people on phones Always-on culture: how to counter its business risks

'It’s not about saying “well done” — it’s about creating a place where people grow'

'It’s not about saying “well done” — it’s about creating a place where people grow'

“People said that we were mad to take on the CV”

a job candidate being interviewed “People said that we were mad to take on the CV”
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